October Guest-Speaker

This month’s History Society guest speaker talk on Zoom will be “North Street and beyond as seen through the lens of Wilfred Moore”, a presentation by local historian Eddie Kelly. Some of you will know that Wilfred Moore was the father of Captain Sir Tom Moore as well as being a keen photographer around Keighley. The talk features many rarely-seen images of the town.

The talk is happening on Wednesday 13th October. ‘Doors open’ at 7pm. It is a History Society members-only talk but if you want to join the Society please click here. History Society members should receive their email from Anne-Marie with details on how to join the meeting in the next few days.

A view of North Street, Keighley. Detail from a Lilywhite Ltd. postcard.

This month’s Zoom talk

A reminder that this month’s History Society talk is on “Sideshows, Fairs and Exhibitions in Victorian Times”, given by Tish Lawson. It is happening on Zoom (as are all our meetings until the start of 2022).

The talk is for History Society members only, who should receive their email with details on how to join in the next few days. If you want to join the History Society please see our website or make a comment below and we will be in touch.

‘Doors open’ for the Zoom meeting open at 7pm on Wednesday 8th September. There is an update on History Society business at 7.15 and the talk starts at 7.30pm. The talk usually lasts around one hour.

History Tour of the Town

The History Society held its first face-to-face event since March last year this afternoon, when several members gathered for a guided history tour around the town centre. The tour was led by Tim with welcome input from Joyce and Graham. Thanks to Steve for taking the photographs. We hope everyone who came along enjoyed it, and if there is interest we will look at rerunning it in the future.

History Society tour of the town centre on Church Street, August 2021.
History Society tour of the town centre on Bridge Street, August 2021.
History Society tour of the town centre in Town Hall Square, August 2021. Photograph: Steve Bown.

August’s Zoom Meeting

This month’s guest speaker talk on Zoom is a Virtual Walk around Keighley Town Centre, illustrated by photographs, maps and vintage images of the town. It is happening on Wednesday 11th August.

The event is for History Society members only but you can join the History Society by going to our website. Members should already have received their email with details on how to join the meeting on Zoom.

‘Doors’ open at 7pm, with the usual History Society update at 7.15pm and the talk itself starts at 7.30pm.

Zoom talks for rest of year

The History Society Zoom meetings have been announced for the rest of this year. They are:

11th August – A Virtual Walk Round Keighley. We will be recreating a guided-tour around the town centre through maps, photographs and archive images.

8th September – Sideshows, Fairs and Exhibitions in Victorian Times, a presentation given by regular guest-speaker Tish Lawson.

13th October – North Street and beyond as seen through the lens of Wilfred Moore, a presentation by local historian Eddie Kelly. Some of you will know that Wilfred Moore was the father of Captain Sir Tom Moore as well as being a keen photographer around Keighley.

10th November – Annual General Meeting.8th December – Christmas Meeting, including an archive talk from the late Ian Dewhirst on the theme of Keighley Christmases past.

The meetings are free to paid-up History Society members and take place on Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7pm. If you would like to join the History Society please comment below or visit our website.

We have already started lining up guest-speakers for 2022 and we are hoping to resume our meetings in the Library as well as continuing to use Zoom. If you are interested in giving a talk to the History Society please get in touch.

Guest-speaker in July

This month’s guest speaker talk on Zoom will be given by Steve Bown. His talk is entitled “Keighley MPs: Millmen, Offcumdens and Swing” and is happening on Wednesday 14th July. This meeting is exclusively for members who have paid to join the History Society. If you would like to know how to become a member please drop us a line in the comments. Members will receive their invites on how to join the meeting via email a few days before the talk.

The ‘doors’ will open at 7pm but the talk won’t start until around 7.30pm. This is to give people the chance to log in to the meeting and for updates on Society news.

Future talks for the rest of the year include Tish Lawson on “Sideshows, Fairs and Exhibitions in Victorian Times”​, Eddie Kelly on “North Street and beyond as seen through the lens of Wilfred Moore”, and an Ian Dewhirst presentation from the archives.

Keighley MPs John Binns, Sir Swire Smith, Ann Cryer and Sir Robert Clough are just four of the MPs to feature in the talk by guest speaker Steve Bown on 14th July 2021.

Guest-speaker in June

Our next guest speaker meeting on Zoom is scheduled for Wednesday 9th June. This month’s speaker is respected family historian and researcher Sylvia Valentine, giving a talk entitled ‘Vaccination Records for Family History’. Sylvia will cover the records which were created as a result of the compulsory smallpox vaccination legislation from 1840 and will discuss the anti-vaccinators who were able to “take over” the board of guardians in Keighley.

This meeting is exclusively for members who have paid to join the History Society. Members will receive an email invite in the next few days – remember to look out for it. If you would like to become a member please click here.

The ‘doors’ will open at 7pm but the talk won’t start until around 7.30pm. This is to give people the chance to log in to the meeting and for updates on Society news.

Sylvia Valentine’s talk on Vaccination Records for Family History is on the 9th June. The main picture is a photograph from Dean Smith & Grace, held in the History Society’s archive.

Zoom Meeting in May

This month’s online Zoom talk is a History of St John’s Church in Ingrow, given by Tim Neal. The talk is happening on Wednesday 12th May from 7pm. Usually our meetings are members-only but this one is open to all.

If you are interested in coming along, please message the Society or add a comment below. The Society’s vice-chairperson, Steve Bown, will be in touch with details on how to join the meeting. Please express your interest before the day itself because we will be busy setting the meeting up on the day. Paid-up members of the Society will receive their email invitations as usual.

‘Doors’ open at 7pm so we can check everything is working, then there is a History Society update at 7.15pm before the presentation starts at 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

Slide from the Zoom presentation ‘A History of St John’s Church Ingrow’ given by Tim Neal.

Next Zoom Talk

A reminder that our next Zoom talk is this Wednesday (14th April): ‘Criminal Lunacy – From Dock to Asylum in 19th Century Yorkshire’ to be given by archivologist, genealogist, social historian and author David Scrimgeour. This meeting is exclusively for members who have paid to join the History Society. Members should have already received their invite to the meeting by email.

The ‘doors’ will open at 7pm but the meeting won’t start until around 7.30pm. This is to give people the chance to log in to the meeting and to make sure everything is working ok.

Coming up on Zoom

Following last week’s talk on Zoom given by Graham Mitchell, we have the next few months lined up. On 14th April, David Scrimgeour will be giving us his talk on ‘Criminal Lunacy – From Dock to Asylum in 19th Century Yorkshire’. On 12th May, Tim Neal will be recounting ‘A History of St John’s Church Ingrow’. On 9th June, Sylvia Valentine will be talking about ‘Vaccination Records for Family History’. And on 14th July, Steve Bown will be telling us about ‘Keighley MPs: Millmen, Offcumdens and Swing’.

Details on all the talks can be found on our website or on our Facebook page. All the talks take place online using Zoom. The meeting starts at 7pm so people can ‘settle in’, then there is an update on History Society business, before the talks start at 7.30pm. Most meeting are only open to paid-up members of the History Society (how to join can be found here). Tim Neal’s talk is an open event and anyone can attend but you need to register your interest.

David Scrimgeour will be giving us his talk ‘Criminal Lunacy – From Dock to Asylum in 19th Century Yorkshire’ to the Keighley and District Local History Society via Zoom on 14th April 2021.
Guest speaker Tim Neal’s talk on the history of St John’s Church in Ingrow is on 12th May 2021.
Sylvia Valentine’s talk on Vaccination Records for Family History is on the 9th June. The main picture is a photograph from Dean Smith & Grace, held in the History Society’s archive.
Keighley MPs John Binns, Sir Swire Smith, Ann Cryer and Sir Robert Clough are just four of the MPs to feature in the talk by guest speaker Steve Bown on 14th July 2021.